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Workplace Learning – Setting Challenges (Doing It Right!)

6m 02s


In this video, you will learn how to set achievable challenges that stretches learning and to push employees to new heights and inspire them to do amazing things. Find out how you then align it with current activities, organizational goals and or business processes.

7 Tips to Set Achievable Challenges

  1. Manager works with employees to set challenges.
  2. Make challenges more fundamentally rewarding by helping employees find purpose in their work.
  3. Assist employees to break down challenges into steps; set goals around each step and use small wins to drive progress.
  4. Praise staff for small wins.
  5. Focus on measuring progress rather than indication of success/failure.
  6. Provide appropriate support for employees to accomplish the goals/challenges.
  7. Debrief and reflect with employees the process of working on the challenges.